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How To Tell If You Love Someone



Love is a complex emotion that comes from building trust, comfort, and compatibility with someone. But knowing when you’re in love versus simply having a crush on someone is quite difficult.

Below are some signs or scenarios you can be in that will justify that you are in love with the person in particular.

You have fun together.
When you are free with someone, you can do anything and joke about it with them, and you feel at ease and like you are in a secure place all the time.

You actually adapt to their love language.
If you are eager to learn more about your partner and what brings them joy, it’s a definite sign your feelings for them are deepening.

You actually feel safe with them.
It’s absolutely necessary to feel safe in a relationship—emotionally, physically, and sexually. Knowing you can be yourself around your partner without fear or judgment is a clear indication that feelings in the partnership run deeper than a fling.

You actually do nice things for them.
When you start to prioritize and anticipate your partner’s feelings, you’re probably subconsciously starting to see them as someone you can attach to for longer than a few dates. This, of course, doesn’t mean you start putting their needs before yours; it means you do nice things for them just because.

You actually support their goals.
A loving relationship is full of support, with each partner pushing the other to accomplish the goals they set for themselves. It is actually obvious that you’d root for someone you love.

You think of them regularly.
Maybe you spend your afternoons looking back fondly on the weekend you spent with them, or you plan ahead for the next time you’re set to meet; either way, if you devote a few minutes of your daily life to daydreaming about your mate, it’s likely a sign you’re more than a little loved up.

You align interests.
Science truly demonstrates that most meaningful relationships involve some degree of reordering of everyday goals and values to fit the partner. This is normal for long-term couples. It’s likely that your partner is also cherished if you find yourself altering some (not all; you can’t lose yourself!) of your hobbies and routines in order to better suit them.

You are honest with each other.
If you feel you can be authentic and open with your partner about practically anything, from your past relationships to your current fears and pet peeves, it’s a sign he or she could be “the one.”

Anthony is a versatile writer who has the ability to take facts and create a narrative from them. The secret to everything, in his opinion, is determination and consistency