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If you are an Adventurer and you love going to hikes with friends or a scout, Soldier and whether you live alone in the Forest. You should try these skills they will help you survive and not collapse.

  • Know how to light up fire

The moment you realize how to start fire you are safe because you will not be attacked by wild animals as they hate fire and it will help keep you warm as well help you cook or roast some meat.

  • Site up a Shelter

Out there in the woods there are no houses its entirely up to you to come up with one and this should be in your list of must do things. Setting up a shelter keeps you from being rained on and you can finally get to rest if you have been hunting the whole day or hiking at the end of the day you’ll need rest.

  • Discover water sources

Water is a necessity more so when you are walking and exposed to high temperatures you will for sure want to quench your thirst to keep going. Discover sources Like  springs.

  • Carry a water purifier

Water in the woods is not entirely clean it may look settled but it may still be contaminated. So it’s always advisable that you bring along disinfection tablets or water guard to purify it before taking it.

  • Search for food

You can’t just sit and await some miracle to come your way, you gotta get up and go looking for those berries the small edible fruits so that you don’t fall weak and starting getting sick.

  • Learn How to do First Aid

This is what the scouts are taught and you should also consider knowing how to perform some basic tasks. Know how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation this is a life saving technique, how to treat a wound or a splint limb.

  • Know how to tie Knots

This is very essential when you know how to do this you can create a shelter with ease, keep your food safe by putting it high above the ground.

  • Coming up with a Weapon

It doesn’t necessarily mean that you should have a gun or something deadlier. It’s just a small tool that does look like a weapon that you would use to scare off some baboons maybe and other wild animals.

  • Know how to Net a Fish

This one of the underrated skills and yet it’s the one that will help you survive. It will be a safe source food because its prepared first and quick.

  • Pack heavy clothes

When you are moving out especially on a hike that might take maybe a day or two consider carrying heavy fluffy clothes. Whether it’s a sunny day the weather might change.

Anthony is a versatile writer who has the ability to take facts and create a narrative from them. The secret to everything, in his opinion, is determination and consistency

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