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Non shedding dogs are good for those who have allergies because they produce less dander, which then means few irritations for allergic people. At times, excessive shedding from a dog can be a sign of disease or illness.

Here is a list of them:

1. Bichon Frise

The fluffy white dog is a non shedding dog, though you will need to brush it daily because of its continuous hair growth, which prevent mats and tangles from causing skin infection.

2. Maltese

This is an ancient dog of Malta, an ideal lapdog, and it has been good over more than 20 centuries. It requires brushing as well to prevent mats from forming and regular bath that cleans the dirt which may have accumulated on the silky hair.

3. Poodle

Originating from Germany, these are smart, friendly dogs that can relate well with people and require little care. They have the best memory and learn pretty fast. Their hair though doesn’t need regular grooming as others do

4. Yorkshire Terrier

These breed doesn’t shed off its fur, all you need to do is brush it for them to look more appealing. They are a very popular and fashionable breed, as they were once owned by the royal family.

5. Coton de tulear

This a very calm dog termed as “canine antidepressant” because of their nature. Very bright, affectionate who love playing with kids and fit in well with the family. Consider them as good company to the old because of their loyalty and calmness.

6. Havanese

This is a perfect dog that supplies the owner with spunky charm and a coat that doesn’t shed. They are playful dogs and good company that won’t leave you drowning to your sorrows. All they need is a little cleaning and brushing their hair just to keep them healthy.

7. Miniature Schnauzer

A smart, fast learning dog. They adapt pretty fast, Just keep them looking good by grooming them to help hem maintain that good look.

Anthony is a versatile writer who has the ability to take facts and create a narrative from them. The secret to everything, in his opinion, is determination and consistency

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