HomeNewsZuchu Finally Speaks Why She left Diamond

Zuchu Finally Speaks Why She left Diamond

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Tanzanian artist Zuchu has finally confirmed why she decided to pack and leave Diamond’s premises.

Speaking via her Instagram page, Zuchu wrote a long thread affirming that she opted to do so because of the intolerable behavior of Diamond, who puts her in the spotlight as someone who doesn’t know her value, since most of her exes are always referring to her.

This is exactly why I left unachoka tu kuwa na mwanaume anaekusukuma kwa watu utukanwe na yeye ndio anayetumika kwenye kudhalilika kwako.

Mwanamke wake ndio kanyagio la kila aliyemzunguka akiamua tu basi yeye muungano nao na kuwapa vichwa vya kunivunjia heshima ilhali umekaa kimya, and all you do is swallow. I try to be good, and the only weak link in my life is him.
” Zuchu’s statement read:

Zuchu further faulted the local channels of her country for failing to recognize that Diamond’s fondness for his baby moms is the root of his problems.

I know mimi ni maarufu na kuongelewa ni kawaida, but kindly msipitilize kunipa sifa za uongo mradi kumpamba boss, especially kwa media ya nyumbani ambayo pia mnaweza kupata ukweli wa mambo mkabalance story zenu.” Zuchu wrote on her page.

READ ALSO: Another lost love? Diamond heartbroken after Zuchu allegedly ends their relationship

Zuchu on Diamond’s Exes

In Conclusion, Zuchu noted that she has had enough from Diamond’s exes and had enough of being apart of it.

Mniache kuondoka niwe mabegi juu niwe chini mbona hamkai kusema sababu zake yeye anayesababisha mtu you want to leave. Baby mommas wakiamka na hasira waje na yao pakutupia attitude zao kwa Zuchu. Maex nisiowajua content yao wanapewa wakusema ni Zuchu. Maadui zangu ashirikiane nao wakikaa na huyo mwanaume anawapa nguvu ni Zuchu.” Zuchu’s last statement read:.

Diamond is yet to say something about it after having been the reason why all the drama started when he brought his 15-year-old ex-girlfriend ‘Sarah’ on stage while performing, implying that he loved her more back then and decided to release a track specially for her to show how much he valued her.

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