HomeNewsWilly Paul Was There For Me ~ Flossy Trukid's Ex Girlfriend Ikoh...

Willy Paul Was There For Me ~ Flossy Trukid’s Ex Girlfriend Ikoh Speaks On Dating Willy Paul

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Flossy Trukid’s ex-girlfriend Ikoh speaks on the possibility of dating Kenyan artist Willy Paul.

Ikoh (Image Courtesy)

Speaking in a brief interview session, Ikoh opened up, saying that she doesn’t really date Willy Paul, but she works with him by doing skits and TikTok challenges to help push his songs, and there’s nothing more to it.

“No, we are not dating ni job na push ngoma yake pia mimi nagrow, you know,” Ikoh shared.

Willy Paul and Ikoh working on a TikTok Challenge together (Image courtesy)

Asked whether she misses Flossy Trukid, Ikoh dismissed the topic, saying she doesn’t miss him an inch, let alone crave for his love.

“I don’t miss him, and I really don’t want to talk about it,” Ikoh explained.

She goes on to say that the reason the heartbreak of Trukid having moved on since he was seen posing a photo with his new girlfriend hasn’t struck her is because she was with Willy Paul, who was holding her down the entire time telling her to not stress about it.

Flossy Trukid (Image Courtesy)

The two broke up a while back after being together four a period of four months. Flossy called out Ikoh as a toxic partner, he described the former relationship as tumultuous, highlighting alleged destructive behaviour off the digital facade. “She is very toxic, she broke my things, my light, my bed, my workout gear, and other things I cannot mention online,” Flossy shared back then while show casing a video of the things she had broken in his house.

Ikoh on the other hand refuted the claims telling Flossy to consider eating and taking a nap “Babaaaa Kula utulie” Ikoh Roz shared.

Trukid has however moved on and is in a stable relationship after announcing that he is dating by posting his new girlfriend’s pictures.

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