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Kenyan Opposition Raila Amollo Odinga has been asked to stand down from holding demonstrations on Monday.

The Anglican Church of Kenya has asked Raila to reconsider his planned demonstration and rather do it in a more civilized way that will not cause chaos and lead to mass destruction nor loss of lives.

They have released a press statement addressing the state of the nation to the Kenya Kwanza Government and Hon. Raila Odinga and Martha Karua to stand down.

Speaking of the prevailing drought and famine, they have asked the Government to place short and long term measures that will fix the food insecurity problem, starting with the areas that are mostly affected. They have also been instructed to put in measures that will help prevent loss of lives.

They then have told the opposition government to reconsider their demonstration plans.

“Reconsider your planned rallies and demonstrations, which if sustained will only compound our economic hardship by interrupting businesses and stoke political tensions……… If opposition is about the well-being of the nation, play your part by holding the government accountable in ways that do not have to add more suffering to Kenyans who already are struggling with too many problems

Raila Odinga had announced that he will be holding a mass action on Monday the 20th because the Kenya Kwanza government has failed to deliver as it promised to the citizens demonstrating the high cost of living.

This demonstration has been backed up by the President of the people Nagucho addressing people through the press telling people that on Monday things will be different, and it’s only advisable if you don’t want to participate in the demonstration stay out of the way.

“Ukijua gari yako haibebi watu ya maandamano ikae wapi… ukijua unauza mask kama hiyo mask si ya kutupea bure ya kuking tear gas we kaa na mask yako nyumbani…musilaumu mtu”

He went on saying that if they are denied from marching to statehouse, they have a strategy that they will do which will make the government oblige.

He also asked people to turn out in numbers and put an end to this suffering.

This motion has sparkled conversations online, as others are not advocating for it, saying that it will lead to chaos and loss of lives. Among the people doing so is Mutula Kilonzo Jnr saying that it will be hard to dethrone Ruto as president as he went to great heights to be one, assuring residents that statehouse won’t be a place they will walk into.

Professor PLO Lumumba has also said that it would be wrong to change course considering where the country has come from, adding that Raila would’ve been arrested if it were in another country.

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