It’s always advisable to check on the date of a particular good you got so that you don’t mess yourself up because probably it’s not consumable after then.
But this doesn’t really apply to all foods, as there are others that can be taken even after they are due.
Sometimes these dates are just to help you get rid of it in the sense that finish it so that you can go and get another one it’s a business strategy…but don’t bank on this though, don’t go saying I told you this. Its always good you follow the directives given.
Always consider using your eyes and nose they will never lie to you some products are still edible even after their expiry date as long they are kept on nice place.
These are normally taken during breakfast and as long as you keep them on a cool dry dark place they can still be consumed.
This has expiry dates, but they can stay about two years plus without going bad as long as they remain closed and there are no dents. They can be taken still.
A good example is the Army, they are normally packed with canned foods that they carry and can take for months and very many weeks without them going bad.
Eggs are the best they would stay for quite a long time before they go bad and the good thing with them is that if they do, you will know cause after breaking the shell you can tell by the way the yolk looks. Also try the water technique thus by placing it in a glass of water. If it sinks you can take it, if it does float then throw it away.
Especially the Dry pasta it has a rather long life, it can go up to 2 years without going bad as long as it is kept dry in a cool place where there’s no water.
Yeah! I am Speaking of Snacks such can go for a long time because they are usually dry as long as you don’t allow air to get in then you should be good to go, ensure that they are tightly closed wherever they are in.
Chocolates are like snacks as well, although they have some little bit of wheat in them this can also be taken even a week away from their dates as long as they are kept in a cool dry place.
This can be taken even after the date has reached, all you have to do is ensure you finish it within 6 months.