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President Ruto’s response on the child shot 8 times by Police – leaves Kenyans embittered

President Ruto has women with kids turning and tossing following his response on the minor, 12 year old boy who was shot 8 times in Rongai as he stepped out to get a book from a classmate, only for him to meet armed officer who allegedly showered bullets on him.

Asked by Linus kaikai about the incident, Mr President Ruto responded by asking Isn’t the boy alive? A question that immediately took away people’s breathe (not in a good way) as mothers cursed him under their breathes wondering whether the president was serious or had any remorse for children born in this nation.

His response has since seen many crucify him for his ego while others questioned why a man in his position could not have advisers prep him on what to say on Live Tv – even if he did not mean it – but for the sake of peace….at least show some remorse.

Promises to compensate

The president went on to add more insult on the injury by confirming he wasn’t aware of the boy’s passing – meaning his grieving mother had not been contacted by officials to address the police brutality on her son.

However in his defense, the president promised to compensate the boy’s mum now that the govt was aware of what was happening.

This however came at a time when most Kenyans have expressed disappointment in Kenya’s govt citing corruption and egotistic leader milking them to their bones.

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