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Kenyan content creator Chebet Ronoh has narrated how she ended up in trouble by trying to help out a friend who had been handcuffed by the police in Nairobi.

Ronoh says that she underwent a gruesome experience, spending 11 hours on the floor, just because she had gone to help out a friend.

She went on to advise the public that Kenya is a country where there’s no good relationship between the people and the police and that there’s hardly room for negotiations when it comes to agreeing with Kenyan cops.

“If you ever thought in this country you could have a conversation with a police officer, then you are insane!”

What she had actually done wrong was try to get between the policemen who had handcuffed her friend.

She went on narrating that she and her friend were taken in describing the policemen and the services as ruthless and intolerable.

She still didn’t share the reason as to why her friend was detained, only that she was handcuffed, and when she tried helping, she was too taken in, even if she didn’t spend the whole day there. A gruesome 11 hours had her wailing about how bad it is to be inside Kenyan cells.

Anthony is a versatile writer who has the ability to take facts and create a narrative from them. The secret to everything, in his opinion, is determination and consistency

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