‘Hangover’, Everyone at one point in their life has found themselves in such a situation, this is actually the feeling of waking up to a throbbing headache and horrifying stomach pains due to heavy alcohol consumption.

For starters, A hangover: is basically a set of symptoms that occur as a consequence of drinking too much. Typical symptoms include fatigue, weakness, thirst, headache, muscle aches, nausea, stomach pain, vertigo, sensitivity to light and sound, anxiety, irritability, sweating, and increased blood pressure.
Below are some tips that will help you feel better:
1. Get Some Sleep

After a heavy night of drinking, your body needs to recover, so getting plenty of sleep is very essential. Ensure you take a nap it will help you relax and by the time you will be waking up you will feel a whole different better.
2. Drink water
With alcohol consumption comes serious dehydration, which means you’ll have to drink a lot of water the next day.
3. Take Greasy Food
A great tip for before or while drinking is to eat fatty food, as the alcohol takes longer to absorb and your hangover won’t be as horrible.
4. Avoid caffeine
Even though it might be tempting to grab a cup of coffee during a hangover, it will actually leave you even more dehydrated.
5. Eat healthy food.
Make sure you eat plenty of fruit and veggies to get all those necessary nutrients.
6. Take a shower.
Take a cool shower. It’ll leave you feeling so much fresher and cleaner!
7. Try Ginger

Ginger tea helps settle the stomach and keeps the nausea at bay. Add a bit of honey to stabilize blood sugar levels.
8. Try Coconut Water
Coconut water is easier on the stomach than plain water or sports drinks, and it’s high in electrolytes.