
The Real Househelp of Kawangware Actress Njambi Reveals the Reason Why She prefers dating ‘Bad Boys’



The Real House Helps of Kawangware ‘Njambi’ opens up on why she prefers dating bad boys to nice ones.

Njambi (Image Courtesy)

Sharing the information on her page, Njambi said that she will always prefer bad men because of their realness.

“Mimi nakuanga nimechizi na ma bad boys. I would pick a bad boy over a nice man at any time. That’s why Castro is my favorite character on volume,” Njambi shared.

This comes after a fan hit her DM, pointing fingers at her as to why she decided to turn down a man who was ready to settle with her and avail herself of everything for her.

Njambi, a single mother of three, said back then that she decided to end her relationship because she was more interested in finding her own peace.


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