
Nairofey Responds To Shorn Arwa Claims That Her Husband Returned to Finish Her Off



Kenyan content creator Nairofey has responded to Shorn Arwa’s claims that her man is back to finish her off.


She posted the message on her social media page after watching Shorn Arwa speak against her husband on Mungai Eve’s show. She told Shorn Arwa that none of her close friends would dare speak ill of her the way she did in the interview.

“People who matter and are my friends would never go clout-chasing with my name or bubbling online about my personal life because they know what respect means.”

Even though this is the case, she admitted that she understands that Shorn Arwa was just using her name so that she could gain fame and attention from the public, but she insisted on the fact that she isn’t her close friend because close friends don’t bite others in the back.

“Using my name to get attention is ghetto!”

Yerofian on the other hand whose the husband to Nairofey responded on the comments, saying that he is living happily and cares less about what haters say as long as they are still cruising well their opinions don’t matter.

Shorn Arwa

Shorn Arwa had said that she and Nairofey are still friends, but she is not a fan of her husband. While insisting that she is not friends with Nairofey’s husband, she’s convinced that Yeforian only got back with her to finish her. She opened up and said that she does not like Yeforian since he hurt her friend, and if someone did that to her friend, she would never root for them.

“Nairofey is my friend, but her husband is not my friend, because when you hurt my friend, you stop being my friend, and I just don’t support them, and I feel that she is there to finish her completely.” Shorn Arwa Hinted.


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