
Follow These Steps To Make Your Car Last Long



This one is for all those who own and drive cars; it is a very safe space for you all.

If you like to get every mile that you can out of your car while paying as little as possible for the privilege, here’s how to do it. And let’s face it, in these difficult and uncertain times, it makes a lot of sense to conserve what you’ve already got, as it’s often cheaper than buying a new car.

If you are one who has a car, then you should be adhering to these:

1: Pick Your Routes
As a driver, you should know which means work for you; don’t go driving your car on a bumpy road when there’s an alternative.

This might seem extreme, but it isn’t. If you use a really badly surfaced road every day, it can take its toll on your car with broken springs, buckled wheels, and potentially damaged tires, all resulting in

2. Make Use of the Air Cons

This is something that many don’t like turning on; they’d rather draw down their windows than activate them. Basically, you are doing untold damage to the seals and other components by being ignorant.

3. Garage it.
Try as much as you can to see that your car is being housed, or rather sheltered, from the strong rays of sunlight, as they bleach the interior and exterior as well. Preserve the pain of the paint job each and every time, and this is something that you can take care of easily.

4. Use it more often, but not too much.
It is possible that you might be having more than one ride, and you love using that specific one, leaving the rest. If you actually don’t drive, start your engine regularly, and leave it sitting there for weeks or months, then there are high chances. The battery will probably die, the brakes and clutch will probably seize up, and if you leave the car long enough, the fuel will go stale, and you could even get flat spots on your tires. Most engine wear occurs at the start of a journey, when the oil is thick because it’s cold. The engine also burns more fuel when it’s cold, which accelerates the wear of the cylinder bores.

5. Let the engine warm up.
Don’t just start your car and proceed driving; at times, give it a few minutes for the engine to warm up, which helps to reduce wear, but it’s easy to get carried away and pile on the revs while the engine is still cold. Get into the habit of revving the engine when it’s cold, and it’ll wear out that much faster.

6. Don’t drive low.

A common habit of so many of us who love going low even when their vehicle has already alerted them that fuel is going out, you’d still keep racing like one who doesn’t know what’s going on. We get it, fuel has increased, but that doesn’t mean you even use up to the last drop; this ain’t water.

If you’re one of those people who regularly runs their fuel tank on empty, you could be damaging much of the fuel system. That’s because sediment tends to gather at the bottom of the tank, and if the engine is always running on fuel from the bottom of the tank, it’s likely that the pump, filter, and potentially even the injectors could get clogged up, making you pay big bills.

7. Vacuum it
Ensure that, as much as you clean it on the outside, you do the same on the inside as well. Once dirt gets into the carpets and trim, they’ll get damaged much more easily. If you don’t mind driving a mobile pig sty, that’s fine, but if not, just vacuum it every few weeks to reduce the chances of the trim falling apart.

8. Check the wiper blades
Wiper blades are made of rubber, so it’s inevitable that they’ll perish, especially if a car is left out in the sun a lot. Once the blade starts to separate, it’ll fall apart altogether when you switch the wipers on, and it’ll scrape your windshield in the process and make you have to get a new windshield.


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