Coparenting is not easy and has never been. Actually, truth is – those who manage to have ‘an easy, working’ coparenting will tell you that it takes one to swallow their pride and above all – lots of sacrifices just to have the kid/s happy even if it means bowing down.
This is however something Carrol Sonnie appears to be failing at. Time and time again we have heard Mulamwah complain about getting denied access to his child….simply because he parted ways with Sonnie, moved on a bit too fast (his mistake) and can’t seem to see eye to eye with his baby mama.
However this reasons are not enough for a mother to deny her child the right to see her father – just because she is bitter or hasn’t moved on yet. Whether in good or bad terms, a child deserves a basic unit of a family which comprises – in most cases two parents.
Mulamwah vs Carrol Sonnie
Seeing that both Mulamwah and Sonnie were not married at the time they had Keilah; Mulamwah still has parental responsibilities and rights, which include the right to care for his child, to maintain contact with the child, to act as guardian of the child; and to contribute to the maintenance of the child.
Last we checked, Mulamwah had revealed he had been denied right of care to his child – as every time he would send child upkeep, Carrol would then forward it back.
With that, she not only sabotages Mulamwah’s right to provide his child with proper accommodation, guidance, protection and so on. Basically, to do, and provide the child with whatever is in her best interests.
Denying him contact, on the other hand prevents him from building a personal relationship with his child hence making it hard for the two to have a normal parent-child relationship….which in the end leaves the girl child with daddy issues which later affect her every other relationships later in life.
Although Mulamwah may have also uttered ugly words like ‘Keilah sio mtoto wangu‘ – as a human we understand this also happened during heat of a moment whereby – both him and Carrol Sonnie washed their dirty linen online….only to have an oops moment later on.
Truth is, Carrol Sonnie is fortunate not lucky to have Mulamwah willing to support his child (even if it means on his own terms) however the only thing standing in the child’s way of living a good life is the, mum’s pride if not bitterness.