HomeNews4 Reasons On Why The Youths are Always Smoking Bhang

4 Reasons On Why The Youths are Always Smoking Bhang

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It has been reported that the number of Kenyans who are using bhang has increased by 90% over the past five years.

Kenyans consume bhang at a higher rate, and there are many reasons why the numbers are high.

The most common age group that consumes cannabis sativa is teenagers and youths.

There are reasons as to why young people consume marijuana at a high rate:

The majority of people who are smoking bang do actually indulge in it because they are curious and want to know how it tastes and feels when one has taken them.

Peer Pressure:
This has actually taken a toll on them by many because they are being influenced by others to try it so that they can fit in. Many of the people who are using it did so actually because their friends pushed them to do so in order for them to fit in their class.

Some use it as an escape to deal with stress, anxiety, and depression.
Lately, many youths have resorted to taking their own lives because of many things, but the obvious one that is known is that because of breakups from their partners, the moment the relationship ends, one party decides to dive into smoking just so that they can find some consolation. It does happen that people who don’t take their lives end up indulging in drugs so that they can forget away their pain.

Their surrounding environment may influence them:
The environment one is in may impact or change one’s behavior because they are exposed to people who are doing these very things, and just with time, depending on the people you are hanging out with, they end up starting to smoke as well because it is not hard to find bangs.

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